Update: Ichibankuji Dragon Ball Fantastic Adventure

Update 6/14/2024: BBTS has the A Pirze and the Last One Prize up for pre-order with a price of 59.99 and 44.99 with a January 2024 availability. You can pre-order yours here!

Ichibankuji just announced their raffle series for October and there are three figures total and other prizes listed below. They have the pictures of the first two prizes along with the last one prize but not the others. Will be updating once additional information is released and links provided if anyone has pre-orders stateside!

○A賞 孫悟空&ブルマ バイクフィギュア (A Prize: Kid Goku and Bulma Bike Figure)
○B賞 ブルマ ミラー付きフィギュア (B Prize: Bulma in front of mirror figure)
○C賞 CAPSULE HOUSEクッション (C Prize: Capsule House Cushion)
○D賞 アクリルマルチスタンド (D Prize: Acrylic Multi Stand)
○E賞 牛乳瓶グラス (E Prize: Milk Bottle Glass)
○F賞 巾着ポーチ (F Prize: Drawstring Pouch)
○G賞 ステーショナリーアソート (G Prize: Stationary Assortment)
○H賞 ラバー雑貨コレクション (F Prize: Rubber Misc. Goods Collection)
○ラストワン賞 孫悟空 フィギュア (Last One Prize: Kid Goku Figure)
○ダブルチャンスキャンペーン 孫悟空&ブルマ バイクフィギュア (Double Chance Campaign: Goku and Bulma Bike Figure Alt?)

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