Happy New Year!

I want to take a moment here and thank every single person who visited the site during the past year. My goal was to make a post at least once a day, but during the past two years, this was sometimes a challenge because there wasn’t enough new figure releases to talk about. I ventured out into games, manga, card games, and other random news and even talked about non Dragon Ball stuff from time to time.

During 2022 I spent some time shoring up the website and had wanted to do more, but the limitations on the server was a constant battle, but I’m planning to give the site a permanent home in the next month or two that should resolve most of the issues. Now I know the ads can be annoying on the website, and I really dont like them, but it really helps with funding the site including our two sponsors. Every click you make and every purchase you make from those links helps me immensely to keep the site going and I greatly appreciate all your support.

In 2023, after all the backend issues are resolved, I plan to make some of my own content including figure reviews, which I hope to start with the X-Plus Gigantic Series Bulma figure. If I can figure out a unique angle, I may even do S.H. Figuarts pieces. Finally, I plan to add more brands in the Figure Link section to keep track of all the figures being released so I hope you all enjoy that content.

At one point during the pandemic, I wasn’t too sure where this website and Dragon Ball as a whole was going since they ended the Anime, but with the success of the Super Hero movie, I think the Dragon Ball brand is going strong and will continue to be a source of entertainment for many years into the future so I will continue to focus on the figure releases while at the same time learning more about other aspects of the Dragon Ball to report. So I hope you will continue to visit and support the site in 2023 as a once stop source of all things Dragon Ball!

About shinra25 1239 Articles
Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...