The Story Behind Dragon Ball Carddass

This story brought back good memories from the early 90s when these cards were popular. They never made it stateside, but I remember spending a lot of coins in these machines to see what kind of card I would get. The official site interviewed Takaaki Orihara, project leader for Dragon Ball Cardass since 1992; Watarau Higuchi, one of the creators of Dragon Ball Heroes; and Yoshito Moteki, another creator of Dragon Ball Heroes.

In this interview, they cover how cardass bridged the gap between the anime and manga for kids, the truth behind prizm (rare) cards, Dragon Ball cards in Japan and world-wide, and how Dragon Ball cards bring together generations. Click here to read the entire interview!

About shinra25 1560 Articles
Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...