Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Meteor Mission #2

This is mostly a Japan only release since Super Dragon Ball Heroes doesnt exist anywhere else.

This set’s promotional CG anime tie-in mission focuses on our heroes’ battle against the wicked Majin Ozotto, who can transform into the likes of Cell and Frieza!
This wave is packed with tons of awesome goodies, including a collab with Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle, campaign cards that recreate the commercial bumpers from the Dragon Ball anime, and more!

Meteor mission 2 includes 3 new sec cards, 7 ur cards, 6 dokkan break ur cards, 4 history of Goku campaign cards, and a limited history of Goku ur card. There are also 5 dramatic art cards.

Check out the entire story below:

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Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...