Dragon Ball News for the Week of March 4th, 2024

Good morning Dragon Ball fans and welcome to another episode of weekly Dragon Ball News! This week is all about games as they showcase The Breakers DLC 5 as well as Fusion World card game.

In the first segment, the invited the producer for the Breakers to talk about the new character that focuses on the Future Trunks arc and includes Goku Black and Zamasu as well as their Fused forms and the demented Fused form. There is also Mai, Jaco, and the transforming cat. They also show a lengthy footage from the trailer as well. I’m not sure how many of you bought this game, but I got it on release and played it for a while not really getting into it too heavily. Not sure if it was the indirect battles or having to constantly run around to search for things. If you play this game, let me know in the comments what you think.

The second was announced last week, but the Fusion World online game was released and players can compete with others from all over the world. They will also be organizing a tournament in Japan as well.

Finally, the latest issue of Saikyo Jump releases today and will include a Battle World Vegeta card as well as new issues of Super Dragon Ball Heroes and Sand Land.

Thats all the news in this episode. Thank you for visiting and I hope you all have a Super Week!

About shinra25 1510 Articles
Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...