Dragon Ball News for the Week of March 11th, 2024

Good morning and welcome to another episode of Weekly Dragon Ball News. The past week was a sad one for Dragon Ball Fans and what i found interesting about this week’s new is not what was covered, but what was not covered and they didnt mention the death of the creator of Dragon Ball. My guess is this was made before that news broke or they just chose not to mention, but i hope they do a tribute episode soon with Toyotarou and all the product managers at Bandai. I think they can make an hour long episode just talking about Toriyama so hopefully that is in the works.

For this week’s news, they spent a segment talking about the wafer seal gummies, but the big news is the release of the scans for the next chapter of Dragon Ball Super and the fight between UI Goku and Gohan Beast. Definitely looking forward to that and also the actual release next week. You can watch the entire episode below.

Thanks for visiting, and I hope you all have a Super Week!

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Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...