Dragon Ball News for the Week of July 4th, 2022

Happy Monday and Independence day for our viewers in the United States. Another week brings another episode of weekly Dragon Ball news. After reviewing last week’s news, Victory Uchida talks about this week’s news that centers mostly on the latest issue of Saikyo Jump that includes character information on the Super Hero movie as well as the next part of Super Dragon Ball heroes. There is also an upcoming chapter from Dragon Ball SD. The new issue of SD is also available and for this segment, he talks with Victory Asada who is the Editor of DBSD, so at least we know his role a little bit more other than wearing the Victory hair. He explains that SD is a colorized retelling of the Dragon Ball and Z storyline with a distinct drawing style and gags thrown in. You can also watch it on Youtube, which is currently towards the end of the Namek saga where they are fighting fourth form Frieza. As an example of the gag, they show a clip of kid Goku meeting Bulma for the first time and she explains how she wants to use the Dragon Balls to find the man of her dreams. It then cuts to Vegeta on Frieza’s ship sensing something strange. This week’s episode wraps up with the third round of presents for watching DBS Super Hero that includes visual boards of Gohan and there will be a fourth round featuring information for Piccolo. You can watch the entire episode here and as always, have a Super Week!

About shinra25 1239 Articles
Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...