Dragon Ball News for the Week of August 26th, 2024

It’s not quite monday yet in most of the US, but they released the new episode of Weekly Dragon Ball News early so here it is.

They spent the entire episode, an extra long 14 minutes talking about Goku’s Greatest Bouts starting at the 10 position. It includes the following:

  • 10th Place: <DB Super> Jiren (After Goku Unlocks Ultra Instinct)
  • 9th Place: <DB> Grandpa Gohan
  • 8th Place: <DB> Cell (Fighting With Gohan)
  • 7th Place: <DB> Majin Vegeta
  • 6th Place: <DB Super> Gohan Beast
  • 5th Place: <DB> Vegeta (First Match)
  • 4th Place: <DB Super> Moro (Final Battle)

There were a couple from Super and Toyotarou was happy about that. Personally, the first fight with the Prince should have been higher up, but fans can be wrong too!

They then slowly went through the top three with comments from the producers of Super Dragon Ball Heroes/Avatars as well as Dragon Ball SD. The top three are as follows:

  • 3rd Place: <DB> Great Demon King Piccolo (After Recovering Full Power)
  • 2nd Place: <DB> Frieza
  • 1st Place: <DB> Jackie Chun

Everyone thought the Frieza fight would be first and they were also amazed that Goku punched a hole through Piccolow. Finally, it’s interesting that the 1st place went to a fight he lost. They also mentioned some of the goods that will be made from this including an acrylic stand from Ichiban Kuji next year, a special Wafer Seal from that series and some special apparel. Toyotarou mentioned that he was most interested in the wafer seal.

There were no hard commitment to continueing the manga, but Toyotarou did say he wanted to show the fans more exciting battles going forward, but no word on when (Hopefully Soon)!

That’s all for now, thanks for tuning in, and I hope you all have a Super Week!

About shinra25 1562 Articles
Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...