Gohan’s Character Arc in Super Hero

Comicbook dot com recently talked to the English Voice Actors for the movie about Gohan. If you haven’t seen the movie yet and do not want spoilers, do not read past here…The movie has apparently grossed over 50 million in its second weekend so you can be they are over there at Toei Animation thinking about their next project since these movies are bringing in a lot of money since Mugen Train happened.

So back to Gohan, and well he is kinda doing his own thing focusing on his studies and family while everyone else is training for the next big event that will doom the planet and this movie shows that he can do both while still reaching new heights where it counts. The last part I really didnt like in this movie. He kinda pulled out this new form from nowhere without training and now he is supposed to be considered at the level of Goku and Vegeta. This is of course assuming everything that happens in this movie will become “Cannon” so we will see if he gets included in the future release of the manga. And I haven’t even talked about Piccolo’s new powers, which I will save for another time.

Anyways, let me know what you think of the movie!

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Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...