SDCC 2022 SH Figuarts Exclusive Up For Pre-Order

OK folks, I’ve been watching the site all afternoon to see if they would put the SDCC 2022 figures up for pre-order like last year and low and behold, they are up now. Interestingly, there are two options, one for pickup at C2E2 (Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo) next month from August 5th – 7th and the second option is shipping in March of 2023. I’m glad they did this and my faith in Premium Bandai has been rewarded although i do think they should do more pop up shops and sell these in store. All four figures will be close to $400 with shipping and tax, and they also have the event exclusive Uchiha Madara and Kong from Kong vs Godzilla. I dont really collect those anymore, but they are available if you want to get everything. Let me know if you plan to pre-order these in the comments.

And it looks like they might have announced this during a livestream that i missed and since that ended, the site hasn’t gone down so maybe they improved the website?

About shinra25 1239 Articles
Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...