Dragon Ball News for the Week of March 27th, 2023

Today’s weekly dragon ball news spends a good amount of time on the updates announced last week for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. There is a free update that includes Cell Max and then the 2nd DLC that currently has Orange Piccolo and Piccolo from Super Hero. There is one more character that is unreleased and my guess is Gohan Beast.

Next they talked about the animated movie Sand Land that will released later this year on August 18th in Japan. This is another Toriyama product and many of the the characters introduced so far look like chracters we’ve seen in Dragon Ball Super. Looking forward for the US release!

The only product mentioned this week is a set of acrylic displays featuring iconic covers from the Manga. These will be available from Gashapon machines across japan and hopefully they make their way here as well.

That’s it for now, I hope you all have a Super Week!

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Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...