Update: S.H. Figuarts Gamma 1 & Gamma 2 Pre-Order

This is big folks, with the premiere of DBS Super Hero in Japan today, Premium Bandai also announced the pre-order for the Gammas. They are the main antagonist in the movie, but who knows what their true role will be throughout, but I hope the movie releases soon in the US so those not in Japan can watch it.

As for the figures, they were created in the lean design of Toriyama and can be displayed in poses from the movie. Woulda been really cool if they coulda made a hand attachment that spins like in the trailer. The official site also provided an interview with Development Lead Okomoto about his thoughts on the figures. You can read it here.

As for the figures, they are $70 each and will be close to $160-165 with shipping and tax. You can pre-order here at Premium Bandai with an February 2023 ship date.

Edit: Forgot to mention, but both Gamma 1 and 2 come with additional parts for the S.H. Figuarts Super Hero Gohan figure. Gamma 1 comes with his Super Saiyan head and expressions while Gamma 2 comes with regular head and cloak. No word yet on his rumored new form.

Update: If you are not in a region with Premium Bandai service or have a local retailer that carries this, you can order from BBTS, and they do ship worldwide. Click Here for Gamma 1 and Here for Gamma 2.

Also, for our European visitors, you can pre-order yours here from our European Sponsor Mythfactoryshop.com. Cost will be €69.90 with a February, 2023 ship date. Click Here for Gamma 1 and Here for Gamma 2.

About shinra25 1237 Articles
Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...