Dragon Ball News for the Week of June 6th, 2022

Good morning Dragon Ball fans. This is the week that the DBS Super Hero officially releases in the Japan and they spend a great deal of the episode with the Executive Director Ikiyo as he talks about the movie and how it is about the growth of Gohan and Piccolo. He also talks about the scale of the new Red Ribbon headquarters. Dont know if he was drunk or high, but he kinda rambles a lot throughout the segment and has some awkward moments. In other news, there is Super Hero x Namco campaign where you can get special stickers from the movie as we reported last week. Finally, Super Dragon Ball Heroes will be holding an in-store giveaway campaign where you can receive a starter deck with characters from the Super Hero movie. This is Japan only and for those elementary school age or younger. I didnt know there were Super Dragon Ball Heroes stores. Maybe Bandai Namco stores? Anyways, for those of us outside of Japan, we will need to wait for overseas release of the movie, but if anyone is in Japan, let me know in the comments if you plan to watch the movie on release this Saturday. You can also watch the episode here and as always, have a Super Week!

About shinra25 1238 Articles
Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...