Dragon Ball News for the Week of February 28th

It looks like we are still here today and the world has not ended so we can enjoy another episode of weekly dragon ball news. This news, the main featurette was about the Dragon Star series, which is available only outside of Japan. They showcased four new products that will release this month including Vegeta and Nappa from the Dragon Stars series, Goku Black from the Power Up Pack, Gogeta and Janenba from the Battle Pack, and the most interesting of all the Super Saiyan Goku Headgear. There is a detailed introduction of Dragon Stars Part 1 Here and Part 2 Here. I have a feeling this is mostly geared for Japanese audiences since they dont have it there yet, but we know very well what it is here in the west. I also hope they have a Vegeta headgear in the works. Anyways, stay safe, and have a super week!

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Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...