Weekend Bandai Review

Figure releases are generally pretty slow during the weekends unless there is an event like the upcoming Games Battle hour so I thought I would review some other Bandai IPs. Aside from Dragon Ball, I also follow some other anime and I use to collect them as well. Let me know what you think of this.

Kimetsu no Yaiba Proplica Tengen Uzui’s Nichirin Swords

$279.99 Pre-Order Here

This is from Demon Slayer and they have been releasing replicas of the characters swords so far. Eventually, it would be cool if they made these for Dragon Ball as well, mostly, Trunk’s sword and Goku’s power pole.

Kimetsu no Yaiba FiguartsZERO Tengen Uzui

$79.99 Pre-Order Here

Just like in Dragon Ball, DS has their own line of FiguartsZero and this one is of Uzui from the current arc.

One Piece Imagination Works Monkey D. Luffy

$109.99 Pre-Order Here

They haven’t announced the next Imagination Works for Dragon Ball, but Luffy from One Piece is getting his own figure in this product line.

Multiverse of Madness S.H.Figuarts Doctor Strange

$84.99 Pre-Order Here

One of the many other IPs from S.H. Figuarts.

Godzilla Singular Point S.H.MonsterArts Rodan

$56.99 Pre-Order Here

Like Figuarts, I use to collect a lot of Godzilla figuarts from the Monster Arts line and wished they made the Ozaru figure in this line as well.

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Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...