Update: Tamashii Nations Comicon @Home2021 Exclusive Figures

Big news, or maybe not so big for long time collectors, but Tamashii Nations just released a teaser for their upcoming Comicon @Home Exclusive Figures. All four figures look like special color editions of previously released figures include SSG Goku with translucent hair, Whis, Beerus, and Nappa. Its hard to tell if the bottom two items Whis’ symbol and the Saiyan pod are actual products or design elements, but we will find out soon. Will start on Friday, July 23rd to Sunday, July 25th, but if it is anything like last year, items will probably sell out fast so have your mouse ready at what I assume is 10AM pacific time based on their date of Saturday July 24th at 2AM Japan Time.

Anyways, comment below if you plan to purchase any of these figures? I’m probably going to try to get the clear hair version of Goku, need more details on the others.

Edit: After looking at better pictures of the two items here actually three, they are stands, there is a 悟 stand for Goku, the light blue design is for Whis, and the Saiyan ship is for Nappa. I’m a sucker for accessories for hopefully you can get them separate without buying the figures.

July 8th: So during the live that is still streaming as I type this but here is the information for the Comicon @Home 2021 exclusive pre-orders:

Wave 1 will start on July 22nd from 6-9PM Pacific Time
Wave 2 will start on July 23rd from 10AM until it sells out I assume just like last year.

You can buy a max of two per item and there will be a total of five items:

Nappa: $70 and will work with clip on Chaitzu
Goku: $50
Whis: $50
Beerus: $50
Stands – two of each, six total: $42

Shipping not included and items will go out in August unless the ship sinks again!

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Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...