Dragon Ball Games Battle Hour Review

So like many Dragon Ball fans from across the globe, I spent the last 12 hours or so watching the inaugural Dragon Ball Games Battle Hour on their website. I’m not sure if this will be yearly thing, but they should definitely make it that way since they put a lot of effort into this. First off, they developed this game like interface for users to create avatars and cheer in front of virtual screens. Although I applaud the effort, the controls were a bit clunky and I found just viewing the YouTube channel from the website much easier.

This was mainly a game focused event and not about figures, but they did have a diorama builder as well as a group of people putting together a large mosaic art of Goku with a bunch of 1-2″ stickers. The diorama looked alright, but it was kind of dark and dingy looking. Something more colorful would have been better.

I spent most of the event watching the Dragon Ball Fighters Z battles and even with the little hiccup during the US West Coast battles, it was enjoyable. I’m not really one who likes to watch people play games, but watching the top tier players battle was interesting to see how good these players are.

What did you all think of the event? What was your favorite part? Please let us know in the comments.

About shinra25 1239 Articles
Dragon Ball Fan since 1986! I'm the Prince of this website LoL...